Team Harry
I’m not a monarchist by any means
And though I never cried or stood outside
Buckingham Palace when Diana died
Or later spectated the funeral
With sobbing people innumerable
I watched the solemn cortege on TV
And clear as daylight Harry I still see
Walking next to William down the Mall
Dry-eyed and dignified as I recall
And mourners from all corners of the land
Eagerly shook Harry by the hand
Smiling lovingly wishing all the best
To Princes William Harry and the rest
The mourner’s hands so Harry later said
Were wet with tears for Harry’s mother dead
Tears shed for someone who they never knew
Except through tabloids and a faux interview
And the boys who knew her better than all
Betrayed no cares held the mourners in thrall
How many mourners since things have turned sour
Are posting on Facebook and Twitter now
Condemning Harry for having a say
While the tabloids publish day after day
Populist opinions venomous bile
Misjudgements fit for a kangaroo trial
Aspersions cellular levels of hate
Slurs against Meghan for not being Kate
As the likes of Morgan and Clarkson preach
More of the same in the name of free speech?
I’m not a monarchist but once again
I’ve no gripe against royals in the main
The way I see it the monarchy’s there
Whoever once asked to be born an heir?
But if I was a spare in Harry’s place
The press forever being on my case
Even to the detriment of my wife
I too would leave for a different life
And offer as truth my story for sale
Refuting the lies of the Daily Mail
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