Some people say jabs have implications,
Like heart attacks and cardiac arrests;
Social distancing, masks and taking tests;
They doubt the philanthropic interests
Of Bill Gates, and have reached the conclusion:
COVID 19 is all an illusion.
Others say; if it wasn’t for vaccines,
The COVID death-count would be much higher,
Lockdowns were the only possible means
Of slowing the spread of disease, prior
To the vaccine; and any denier
Of that is either dim or deluded
By myths; cardiac arrests included.
Some people think Stonewall’s beyond the pale;
Your sex chromosomes, define who you are:
An XX is female, XY is male,
And anything else is frankly, bizarre;
Trans recognition is going too far!
You can take hormones and have a new name,
But birth sex and gender’s one and the same.
Others realise, that, until they read
About the actual real lives, of real,
Trans-people, rather than just the troll-feed,
Of someone who doesn’t know a great deal
About gender, or how Trans people feel;
Then their understanding of the issue,
Will remain as thin as a wet tissue.
Some people want healthcare in the UK
Fully privatised, with health insurance,
The same as it is in the USA;
They view the NHS with abhorrence;
If it was sold, there’d be less tax to pay;
Why should they shoulder the nation’s health bill?
Especially if they never get ill.
Others want funding substantially raised,
They don’t want to follow the private path;
They’d rather see nurses well paid, than praised,
And more recruitment of NHS staff;
The numbers they say aren’t covered by half;
Redistribution of wealth is the key;
Healthcare should always be totally free!
Some people are modern day crusaders;
“All lives matter!” they angrily yell,
Then throw bottles at perceived invaders,
Named as such by Braverman and Patel.
And comments calling lifeboat personnel,
Taxi drivers, are believed, by and large,
By disciples of Reform and Farage.
Others say, some people don’t understand,
Or they deliberately misconstrue;
BLM is a validated brand;
And racists, don’t often go with that view.
Hate crimes against minorities today,
Are at record levels, in the UK.
According to some people, climate change
Isn’t man-made, it’s a natural thing;
CO2 emissions are in safe range,
Climate scientists are always left wing,
Global warming is a globalist sting;
Deniers say, anyway, we’ve been told
The world’s warming up, so how come it’s cold?
According to others; greenhouse gasses,
Largely caused by human activities,
Will, if disregarded by the masses,
Cause unprecedented extremities
In Earth’s temperature, and the remedies,
As painful as they first appear to be,
Should be implemented A S A P.
Some people heed the maxim: greed is good;
Wealth distribution has long had its day,
Human nature’s nothing like Robin Hood,
Taxes should be low, no matter your pay;
Socialism is criminal they say,
And the worst ever kind of offender
Is a lefty, with a WOKE agenda.
Others can see where all the money’s gone,
When they look at the wealthiest, and they
Wonder how some people fall for the con
Of trickle-down, as barons sail away
To islands where multi billionaires stay,
Upon stashing, in colossal amounts,
Revenue into offshore bank accounts.
Some people go on Facebook or Twitter;
With common souls, opinions they share;
Others do the same and they have bitter
Rows with very angry people on there,
Over things like COVID, Trans rights, healthcare,
Black Lives Matter, global warming, woke, greed
And whatever else is on the newsfeed.
Reading their exchanges, it’s clear to me,
That humankind is exceedingly split,
Right down the middle, from what I can see;
Polarised views, incessant verbal shit,
And yours truly isn’t immune to it;
I’m with all the others, striking a chord,
Down in the rabbit hole, on a keyboard.
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