Monday, 24 May 2021

Weather Report


Weather report
On a Monday morn in May
Fluffy white clouds turned to grey
Zephyrs fairly pleasant warm
In a flash became a storm
High winds usurped the breeze
Buddings broke away from trees
Pregnant clouds diminished heat
Rain came falling in a sheet
Daylight ever darker dimmed
Potholes deep as craters brimmed
Roads flooded traffic slowed
Drains neglected overflowed
Nearby at a Tesco’s store
With a roof above its door
I stood waiting underneath
As the rain drenched Parsons Heath
Suddenly it went away
Thus came back a sunny day
For at least a brief respite
Clouds once more were fluffy white
And since everybody knows
How the British weather goes
Is there any need to dwell
On that short lived sunny spell?
The dread storm returned prevailed
My creative juices railed
Grasping at a last resort
I typed up this bland report
And before my muse was spent
The council I an email sent
Re the potholes everywhere
And the drains in disrepair

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