(an acrostic)
E very so-often, a figure appears,
O utrageously wealthy, full of ideas,
N arcissistic; a very influential,
M agnetic, ambitious, charismatic,
U niter of masses, appealer of pride,
S ower of doubt; a ruthless, enigmatic,
K nower of kings and emperors worldwide.
I ntellectuals, morons, rich and poor
S ucked into believing every utterance,
A ttend rallies and cheer, with evermore
N ationalistic fervour, wilful ignorance,
A dmiration, and even religious
Z ealotry; fuelled by a superstitious
I ntolerance t’ward the non-indigenous.
C ometh these dictators, we live and die
U nder the cosh, and after they’ve gone say,
N ever again, as the ghosts of soldiers sigh;
T urning in their graves on Remembrance Day.
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