Wednesday, 18 December 2024

In Need of Editing

In need of editing

Due to a medically undiagnosed:
As yet, unspecified; neural condition;
This ditty; I’ve only just now composed;
Bears witness to my current obsession
With: colons and semicolons; and as such:
Needs editing; prior to publication;
Which; typically would be very much
The case here; but for my wife’s vacation.
She; being possessed of an equally
Obsessive; if counter fascination;
With grammatical correctness; and frequently
Prone to irritation and frustration:
Will; upon seeing this piece; feel compelled
To ruthlessly purge it of words misspelled;
Sentences deemed nonsensical/confused:
And every punctuation mark misused:
She’ll surgically extract: accordingly:
Performing: as it were: a colectomy:
But: presently she’s somewhere in Spain:
Hence: colons; and semicolons: remain.

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