Wednesday, 18 December 2024

I Need of Editing

In need of editing

Due to a medically undiagnosed:
As yet, unspecified; neural condition;
This ditty; I’ve only just now composed;
Bears witness to my current obsession
With: colons and semicolons; and as such:
Needs editing; prior to publication;
Which; typically would be very much
The case here; but for my wife’s vacation.
She; being possessed of an equally
Obsessive; if counter fascination;
With grammatical correctness; and frequently
Prone to irritation and frustration:
Will; upon seeing this piece; feel compelled
To ruthlessly purge it of words misspelled;
Sentences deemed nonsensical/confused:
And every punctuation mark misused:
She’ll surgically extract: accordingly:
Performing: as it were: a colectomy:
But: presently she’s somewhere in Spain:
Hence: colons; and semicolons: remain.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Nativity (Boys in Tights)

Nativity (Boys in Tights)
One late December in nineteen sixty-
Something, I was due to appear on stage,
In Chadwell Heath infant’s nativity,
Or pantomime, at the very young age
Of five or six, for two, three, or four nights,
Dressed as a pixie, (or was it an elf?),
In a pair of red, yellow, or green tights,
The thought of which made me feel very self-
Conscious. I seem to remember begging old
Mrs, wots-her-name, not to make me wear
‘em, but kids mostly did as they were told
Back then- especially those inclined to scare
Easily. Hence, I couldn’t avoid it
And, even though (maybe) I quite enjoyed it,
If anyone asked, I probably said,
I wished I’d been one of the wise men instead.

Twelve Days of Christmas

Twelve Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
a jumper that didn't fit.
On the second day of Christmas my true love and me...
had a row over it.
On the third day of Christmas my true love said to me...
"why are you so miserable?"
On the forth day of Christmas my true love went for me...
with a kitchen stool.
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love couldn't see...
any reason to stay.
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love packed her things...
and went away.
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
her wedding ring.
On the eight day of Christmas my true love gave to me....
absolutely nothing.
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love wrote to me...
asking for a divorce
On the tenth day of Christmas I sent her my reply...
which said, "of course".
On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love came back...
but only to get some more things.
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love isn't here...
and the telephone never rings.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Why I Write in Rhyme

Why I Write in Rhyme

I started ticking, when I was aged ten;
And sympathy wasn’t much shown back then;
From neither teachers, nor pupils in school;
Who, consequently, were often quite cruel;
Especially the bullies; and as such;
I, who was more naturally a soft-touch,
Had to be someone I wasn’t, each day,
In order to keep the tough kids at bay.
My parents both were naturally, concerned;
Perplexed, as to why I’d suddenly turned
Abnormal. Mum, near the point of despair,
Took me to a hospital in Romford, where
A doctor, upon examining me,
Established I was in physically
“Tick” condition, but should symptoms persist,
He suggested I see a psychiatrist;
The mention of which, filled me with premonitions
Of straight-jackets and asylum admissions:
One must remember: the 1970’s
Was a time when mental-illness remedies,
Were very much in keeping with “One Flew
Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”; the common view
Of psychiatry was positive, nigh never;
And I inwardly vowed to do whatever
It took to avoid it: but what could I do?
At twelve years old, I’d been ticking for two
Years, and for all the torment, it had become
A part of me; like a finger or thumb;
It was as if I not only couldn’t
Stop; I didn’t want to, and hence wouldn’t!
But somehow, I had to rein the tics in,
Or else I’d be sent to the “Loony bin”.
One fateful day, I, having randomly
Embarked on a mindless scrawl, suddenly
Found myself writing everything in rhyme;
And later, it occurred to me: at no time,
Whilst I was writing, or considering what
To write; always with rhyming in mind; not
Once did I feel the urge to tic! Thus, by chance,
I’d found a tic other than Vitus’s dance;

And it wasn’t long before I could talk
Without barking uncontrollably; and walk
Without dancing spasmodically, merely
By thinking in rhyme. Those closest to me
Marvelled upon the change; and best of all:
Mum never gave the psychiatrist a call;
And the bulk of the bully-boys, let me be;
Thanks to the ticking rhymes they couldn’t see.

Now, fifty odd years later, and ticking still;
I’m often these days on a poetry bill;
And, though I’m not really much of a poet;
If my rhyming tics entertain; so be it!
Poet or not, I’m very much content;
And if the tics aren’t exactly God-sent;
In light of my thinking and writing in verse;
I figure them more of a blessing than curse.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

A Happy Ending

A Happy Ending

Walking the path of a fortunate man,
Who wouldn’t wish for a happy ending,
By the chequered flag at the end of one’s span?
Who of us wants to feel scared, expending
Their last, prior ascending or descending?
What would be the point of a life well led,
If all that’s in-store is the mind-bending,
Nullifying, despair-inducing, dread
Finality of a sterile death-bed?
From what little I know of the effects
Of heroin; and always assuming
I’ll be in the care of opiate techs;
My imminent exit stage four looming;
I want to give chase, to the all consuming
Dragon, upon the surrender of air;
And if any loved ones are watching; glooming;
I want them to see a mask, free of care,
Exhaling smoke, with a smiley-face stare.