Monday 19 August 2024


Elias Monk; industrialist,
And multi-billionaire,
Became a free-speech activist,
Or so he did declare,
Upon acquiring Twister Inc,
Where POTUS often stirred a stink,
Till he was banned from there,
Which, in the eyes of Monk at least,
Made Twister then a commie beast;
An echo of opinions,
In dire need of rebirth;
He gobbled it up for billions,
Far more than Twister’s worth;
And any staff who voiced concern,
Were told to leave and not return,
For he had paid the earth,
To undertake a boardroom purge,
And kill the woke-mind-virus scourge.
Meet the new boss: staff levels shrunk,
New rules were dictated,
And the old boss, dismissed by Monk,
Gained a sum inflated;
And I doubt even God knows why,
Twister’s brand name was changed to, “Y”;
Though Monk (the new boss) stated,
(Albeit, typically vaguely):
“Y” stood for Versatility,
Regarding communication
Of financial affairs;
And the vast devaluation,
Of former-Twister’s shares,
Sent-plummeting into freefall,
Appeared to vex him not at all;
The king of billionaires,
Lost forty billion, down the drain,
Yet never showed a hint of pain.
No matter: Y, now unrestrained,
Enemies broke cover;
Antagonists, fired-up, inflamed,
Ripped into each-other;
Thus Y became a battleground
From which the battered fled and found
Platforms far less rougher,
Till in the end, the further right
Outweighed the left, to Monk’s delight.
Free-speech on Y now seems to be,
Whatever Monk decides,
And those who see things differently,
He ruthlessly derides;
And parroting his every word,
(Increasingly the more absurd),
The acolytes he guides,
Remind me of the useful fools,
By Goebbels shaped for Hitler's tools.

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