Monday 29 July 2024

I'm Goin' to Clacton

 I’m going to Clacton

Reform canvassed by the seaside
Baited there without a doubt
Yarmouth Skegness and Clacton
Where the skint folk all hangout
I’m goin’ to Clacton
Only the sea is brown
Yeah I’m going to Clacton
The “Little” people’s town
Well come on down to Clacton
Smoke drink and wreck your health
Go shake the hand of the big-talking man
Make a sucker of yourself
Yeah go to Clacton
The clown’s on the pier
Minority snowflake woke factions
Had best keep clear
Whetherspoons is a heaving
People all but stoop and bow
Hearing and eagerly believing
In The Moon and Starfish now
I’m goin’ to Clacton
But I’ll be floating no boat
‘Cause I’m going to Clacton
Where Farage won the vote
People will laugh at you in Clacton
If you told ‘em what was on your mind
But if they tax wealth less like the contract says
Profiteers will rob the blind
Yeah go to Clacton
You big talking man
With your banner of distraction
And EU pension plan
Well Reform canvassed by the seaside
Bated there without a doubt
More crime and poverty in Clacton
Ever since they voted out
I’m goin’ to Clacton
Is Nigel coming back
From giving Trump satisfaction
I wish he’d got the sack
Reform canvassed by the seaside
Baited there without a doubt
Yarmouth Skegness and Clacton
Where the skint folk all hangout

Monday 22 July 2024

Five Years

Five Years

Conmen, gifting everywhere;
So many truckers sighing;
Queues miles long at Dover;
We’ve got profiteers power supplying;
Hard right’s taking over;
The left is clearly dying;
New guy says we’re Labour led,
But no one’s really buying;
I saw populists, elected by gullibility;
I heard an activists’ hate on TV;
His brain was like a warehouse, it had so much to spare,
He said, send troops to the beach and shoot every illegal there;
And all the trans and gay people;
And all the liberal people;
And all the jobless, poor people;
And all the foreign born people;
I never saw hate for so many people.
An underage kid, off his head,
Shot at Trump, from a building;
If God hadn’t have played a hand,
I think he would’ve killed him.
Old frog face flew across the pond,
For a friend, in need of a pat on the back;
I Hope Clacton-on-Sea’s people are pleased,
Cos I near threw up at the thought of that;
I think I saw you, by a Whetherspoons bar,
Throw a milk shake, cool and long,
Right in his face; he was looking so smug;
Don’t think he knew you were in the throng.
His Reform UK, and Trump’s MAGA’s gaining traction,
And the cause, for sure, is government inaction;
Not gays, not race, not gender, not woke;
It’s super-yachts, not rubber-boats
That’s left us all broke.
We’ve got five years, to roll up the blinds;
Five years, to win hearts and minds;
We’ve got five years, to take back the pot;
Five years, and fix all the rot;
We’ve got five years, to turn back the tide;
Five years, else get privatised;
We’ve got five years, to bring people round;
Five years; wealth don’t trickle down;
We’ve got five years, to reform the UK;
Five years, but not Nigel’s way;
We’ve got five years, to fund the state schools;
Five years, to supply the right tools;
We’ve got five; years for our NHS,
Five years; to be either best;
We’ve got five years; or missed when it’s gone;
Five years; it’s not very long.
Five years,
Five years,
Five years,
Five years.

Saturday 13 July 2024

The Rule of Law

Rule of Law

Grease the right palms then grease ‘em some more,
Prosecutors get kicked out the door,
The rule of law was broken; done for,
By lucrative liars in ’24.
Convicted felons appeal, and walk free,
Innocent children drown in the sea,
Short selling hedge-funders buy super-yachts,
Billionaires legally raid pension pots,
Morons misguided, throw missiles galore,
At shell-shocked-shelter-seekers, on the seashore,
The rule of law was broken; done for,
By lucrative liars in ’24.
Male-chauvinist pigs decry women’s rights,
(One’s got a president’s term in his sights),
Property magnates; MPs of late,
Write manifestos of prejudice, hate,
Puppets, under an autocrat’s strings,
Enthroned, become tyrannical Kings;
Corporates bleed the public-purse dry,
Foddered employees work till they die,
Private-insurance don’t cover the bill,
For workers, unskilled, and dangerously ill;
High GDP rates don’t profit the poor,
Whilst Machiavellians, from the top drawer,
Rule over wannabe lions that roar,
In the midst of a make-believe culture war;
The rule of law was broken; done for,
By lucrative liars in ’24.
Lettuces, backed-by-minority, betray,
Bankrupt their country, then walk away
With riches, received by way of reward,
For being the worst-ever boss on the board;
A found-guilty, criminal (best not use names,
Lest I get sued for unwarranted claims),
Fascist, with racist political views,
Started a riot, declared it, “Fake news”,
Paid off a porn star he couldn’t get rid,
And was let-off till after his POTUS bid;
Swerving a fine, and maybe, jail time,
(Such was the seriousness of his crime),
His only opponent, being confused,
Very forgetful and certain to lose,
The criminal’s set for a four year encore,
Convictions quashed and forgotten, for sure;
Grease the right palms and grease ‘em some more;
Populists prosper, however hard-core:
The rule of law was broken; done for,
By lucrative liars in ’24.
May be an illustration of 2 people and text