Sunday, 10 February 2019

If only

If only (an Acrostic)

Gove, goggle-eyed, left Surrey Heath,
Evenett exited waving goodbye,
Truss tumbled out not seen again,
Rudd, red-faced, left Hastings and Rye.
Iain Duncan Smith was instantly fired,
Davis, Drax, Dineage, discharged too,
Offord, Opperman, ostracised,
Fabricant, Fallon got flustered and flew.
Tolhurst, Throup, Thomson, trotted away,
Hinds, Hunt, Henderson, went to Hell,
Ellwood, Elphicke ended their terms,
Theresa May, toppled, tottered and fell.
O’Brien like Osborne, turned tail and fled,
Rees-Mogg snapped and resigned, conflicted,
Inside the House, human beings sit instead,
Every last Tory voted out and evicted,
Showing no remorse for suffering inflicted.

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