Thursday 10 October 2024

The Climes They Are a Changing

 The Climes they are a Changing

One summery, autumnal-like day,
Winter, briefly turned into spring,
And from six thousand miles away,
Swallow swoops hastily took wing,
As tulips prematurely flowered,
Daffodils, promptly disappeared,
Chiffchaffs, mating calls sang loud,
Bluebells in the woods appeared,
And I, observing with regret,
Mouthed woefully a quiet: “Not yet”.
The blossom on my apple tree
This year, was rarely visited by
A bumble or a honey bee;
And for what weather reason why:
From summer’s mid to Halloween,
I saw one wasp, or maybe two,
In all the four months in between;
Crane-flies (their prey), are very few,
Whilst spiders, big beyond recall,
Make hands and even plates seem small.
Is this then written for reasons
Pertaining to global warming?
Am I suggesting the seasons
Are giving human-kind a warning?
No: I was merely following
The path of the first lines that came
To mind; and here I am; waffling
About stuff; the which I’ve no claim
To any knowledge, worth mention,
When my original intention
Was a flowery piece, inclining
Toward clouds of silver lining,
In these undeniably strange
Times of turmoil and climate change.

Monday 30 September 2024

The Last Piece

The Last Piece

The cosmos is a colossal jigsaw
Puzzle of celestial pieces, so vast
In number, that anyone keeping score;
Proceeding from one, to the very last
Zero, would require a library bigger
Than the British Museum, in order
To file the recorded final figure;
Equivalent to a number, broader
Than the broadest we could ever dream;
We being inhabitants of a lone
Micro-speck, residing in a great scheme,
Devised from beyond our awareness zone,
On the other side of the universe,
Which itself will eventually disperse,
As puzzle-solvers, impossibly skilled;
With infinite care, dismantle, rebuild.

Monday 23 September 2024

The Witches of Reform

The Witches of Reform
Hopkins, Widdecombe, and Brewer,
Bigot, turd and pure manure,
Stuff air-heads with stories fake,
Monsters into heroes make,
Sing the praises of a frog:
(Donald’s fawning, faithful, dog),
Make the cause of woke a thing,
Treacherous and far left-wing;
Stir/alarm, with right-wing babble;
Fire the wrath of Tommy’s rabble.
Hopkins, Widdecombe, and Brewer,
Vile rodents of a sewer:
Boiled baboon brains; charmless crud;
Boys bewitched, bawl, bay for blood.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

One Man Air Band

One Man Air Band

I’m a one man air band entertainer
I make walls shake vibrate with bass
I’m an amplified note sustainer
My rhythm and lead guitar is ace
I play ghost synths with fingers thumbs
Bash banging beats pilled boppers dance
I’ve got air sticks mysterious drums
I specialise in techno trance
I’m a freestyle rapper a beatbox king
I sing falsetto baritone too
Windows shatter deaf eardrums ring
Trumpeters play jazz bitches’ brew
I form new sounds original scenes
Component notes industrialists roar
Convert to music in their machines
I’m a composer on the shop floor

Thursday 5 September 2024

The Kids Are Far Right

The Kids Are Far Right

Banned from watching BBC
Dad won’t pay the licence fee
GB News and Talk TV
Of bigots praises sing
Dramatize distort the news
Parrot prejudicial views
Parents finger point accuse
The kids are far right wing
The kids are ultra-right wing
It’s murder in the park
Mummy’s little soldiers
Kill trans-girls for a lark
Elon’s transphobe musketeers
Venerate the king
In accordance with their fears
The kids are far right wing
Back in 1938
Goebbels propagated hate
Nazis in a frenzied state
Did their fascist thing
Joe you aint seen nothing yet
Now we’ve got the internet
Not to Farage’s regret
The kids are far right wing
The kids are ultra-right wing
Extremely highly strung
Some of them are OAPs
Yet still they’re very young
“I know I am I’m sure I am
I’m English” they all sing
Little England’s in a jam
The kids are far right wing
Now free speech is free no more
There’ll soon be a civil war
Orwell’s 1984
Today is happening
So say people QAnon fed
Citing books they’ve never read
Willingly and easily led
The kids are far right wing
The kids are ultra-right wing
White supremacists
Expressing their identity
With bottles bricks and fists
Smashing mosques assaulting cops
Petrol bombs they fling
How long till the penny drops?
The kids are far right wing
The kids are ultra-right wing
They can’t or will not see
Comparatives with nationalists
Of wartime history
The likes of Trump Farage le pen
Should make alarm bells ring
Racists on the march again
The kids are far right wing

Thursday 22 August 2024

The Beautiful People (At Patch)

The Beautiful People (At Patch)

Here’s to the beautiful people with suss;
Poetic, artistic, creative, brave,
Hetro, LBGTQIA+;
They’re the balm of humanity I crave;
A source of comfort, warm-welcome, relief;
Their congregations are an oasis
Of doubt dispellers, encouragement, belief;
A buoyant sea of supportive faces,
Attentive, thoughtful, inviting, sincere,
Calming shy strangers performing on stage;
For newcomers get priority here,
And the audience will always engage;
I felt it myself when I was brand new;
Cheers to the beautiful people; that’s YOU!

Monday 19 August 2024


Elias Monk; industrialist,
And multi-billionaire,
Became a free-speech activist,
Or so he did declare,
Upon acquiring Twister Inc,
Where POTUS often stirred a stink,
Till he was banned from there,
Which, in the eyes of Monk at least,
Made Twister then a commie beast;
An echo of opinions,
In dire need of rebirth;
He gobbled it up for billions,
Far more than Twister’s worth;
And any staff who voiced concern,
Were told to leave and not return,
For he had paid the earth,
To undertake a boardroom purge,
And kill the woke-mind-virus scourge.
Meet the new boss: staff levels shrunk,
New rules were dictated,
And the old boss, dismissed by Monk,
Gained a sum inflated;
And I doubt even God knows why,
Twister’s brand name was changed to, “Y”;
Though Monk (the new boss) stated,
(Albeit, typically vaguely):
“Y” stood for Versatility,
Regarding communication
Of financial affairs;
And the vast devaluation,
Of former-Twister’s shares,
Sent-plummeting into freefall,
Appeared to vex him not at all;
The king of billionaires,
Lost forty billion, down the drain,
Yet never showed a hint of pain.
No matter: Y, now unrestrained,
Enemies broke cover;
Antagonists, fired-up, inflamed,
Ripped into each-other;
Thus Y became a battleground
From which the battered fled and found
Platforms far less rougher,
Till in the end, the further right
Outweighed the left, to Monk’s delight.
Free-speech on Y now seems to be,
Whatever Monk decides,
And those who see things differently,
He ruthlessly derides;
And parroting his every word,
(Increasingly the more absurd),
The acolytes he guides,
Remind me of the useful fools,
By Goebbels shaped for Hitler's tools.