Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Forgive Them Not

Forgive Them Not

Republican former vice-president, Pence,
Signs missiles fired at war-refugee tents;
Biden endorses it, Harris does too;
Forgive them not Lord, they know what they do.
Musk does a blatantly Nazi salute,
Bannon, concluding a rant, follows suit,
Milei, at CPAC, hands Musk a chainsaw;
He raises it, roaring a metaphor:
“Bureaucracy”, yells the trillionaire hog;
Child-cancer funding thus deemed a mere log;
Sycophants cheering; he cuts his way through;
Forgive them not Lord, they know what they do.
Two old dictators make plans for Ukraine,
(Hitler and Stalin all over again?),
War-mongers everywhere gain a green light,
To vent their ambition, envy and spite.
Land occupiers make mockery of law,
Murder civilians; claim a “Just” war,
Cleanse a whole nation, deny human rights;
All with a God-promised land in their sights;
The stateless they robbed won’t be allowed near!
Can anyone not see the irony here?
Donald Trump; Benjamin Netanyahu;
Forgive them not Lord, they know what they do.
Truss’s economy wrecked the UK:
Thirty plus billion she wasted away;
She should be locked up in jail you might say,
Not living the high-life on taxes we pay;
We’re a “Failed state”, so the lettuce declares,
Claiming a government like Tony Blair’s
Is “Socialist”; and “Woke” is to blame;
Omitting the cuts she backed without shame.
Hundreds of thousands austerity killed,
While offshore accounts were callously filled.
Musk aims to maximise suffering now;
Who but a madman would give him such power?
Deluded Conservatives pledge fealty
To oligarchs, living off misery;
I say as an atheist through and through:
Forgive them not Lord; they know what they do.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Las Gaza

 Las Gaza

A pair of old criminals conspired,
To take over land they desired,
Where corpses unclaimed,
‘Neath rubble remained,
And weaponry ceaselessly fired.
Proclaiming a God-ordained mission,
Co land-grabbers bombed with precision,
And with His consent,
Vast billions was spent
Financing a mutual ambition.
Finally there came a cessation,
And after a short conversation,
The gangsters declared,
A deal roundly squared,
Displacing as such, a whole nation.
Now, under their jurisdiction,
Enabled by archaic fiction,
A clear up’s commenced
The land’s being cleansed,
And powerless, we watch
The eviction.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

The Crat

The Crat (For Barney)

Dave, my old friend, had for years been away,
Caricaturing in Europe somewhere;
And on returning, he’d no place to stay,
No money, no food, no clean underwear.
The DHSS told him, when he applied,
“Come back in three months”, denying his claim;
As such, he was homeless; sleeping outside,
With only a bag of soiled clothes to his name.
Reclining his head on that pillow, he lay,
Underneath salvaged damp cardboard each night;
Passing the time in the library by day,
Catching sleep, stolen by winter with spite;
And as for eating, though he never said,
I’d hazard to guess: he begged for his bread.
Be that as it may; a charity gave
Him a sleeping bag, with kindly intent,
Though a tent would’ve been better, said Dave;
No matter; that night, to the farm he went,
Where lately, he’d taken to sleeping up close
To a cowshed, from which heating flowed free;
Enough to take the edge off winter’s blows;
A Godsend, at least to one such as he.
Snuggled-up-tight, and on the point of sleep,
He dreamily observed a cat, close by,
Cautiously approaching, as if to peep
At the heap that looked to be warm and dry,
And which Dave was more than happy to share
With a cat, as a child would a Teddy Bear.
I wish I could say he befriended the cat,
But alas, that would be mere fantasy;
The cat was more like a very LARGE rat!
A rodent wild beast, in reality…
…But as for what Dave was forced to endure,
I’ll leave it to your imagination;
Urging you on to the caricature
Of a hybrid of rat and cat persuasion,
Surprising a lonely destitute soul,
Like a jump-scare, in a horror-film scene;
If only the creature could have been whole;
A cat, not a rat, nor something between:
Companionship is a mutual need,
Albeit doomed to remain unfulfilled;
More equally mutual, fear takes the lead,
The caricature heads back to the field,
And the human, in want of a cuddle,
Gathers his things and leaves in a muddle.