Friday, 25 October 2024

Richard the Turd

Richard the Turd
Richard the turd hypocritical Tice
Gathering voters with bigoted views
He’s a faux patriot not very nice
Despises unions decries worker’s rights
Proffers roast lamb to sheep with no clues
Richard the turd hypocritical Tice
Hatred division and fear he invites
From a safe distance igniting a fuse
He’s a faux patriot not very nice
Where we are born is the roll of a dice
Fortune or famine you don’t get to choose
Richard the turd hypocritical Tice
Ambiguous tweets he craftily types
Equating free speech with racist abuse
He’s a faux patriot not very nice
His manifesto is blatant precise
“10,000” new prisons put to good use
Richard the turd hypocritical Tice
He’s a faux patriot not very nice

Thursday, 10 October 2024

The Climes They Are a Changing

 The Climes they are a Changing

One summery, autumnal-like day,
Winter, briefly turned into spring,
And from six thousand miles away,
Swallow swoops hastily took wing,
As tulips prematurely flowered,
Daffodils, promptly disappeared,
Chiffchaffs, mating calls sang loud,
Bluebells in the woods appeared,
And I, observing with regret,
Mouthed woefully a quiet: “Not yet”.
The blossom on my apple tree
This year, was rarely visited by
A bumble or a honey bee;
And for what weather reason why:
From summer’s mid to Halloween,
I saw one wasp, or maybe two,
In all the four months in between;
Crane-flies (their prey), are very few,
Whilst spiders, big beyond recall,
Make hands and even plates seem small.
Is this then written for reasons
Pertaining to global warming?
Am I suggesting the seasons
Are giving human-kind a warning?
No: I was merely following
The path of the first lines that came
To mind; and here I am; waffling
About stuff; the which I’ve no claim
To any knowledge, worth mention,
When my original intention
Was a flowery piece, inclining
Toward clouds of silver lining,
In these undeniably strange
Times of turmoil and climate change.