Tuesday, 31 May 2022

The Hangman

The Hangman
A hangman gave a grand address
Some fearful people heard
With ever growing eagerness
They hung on every word
His speeches through the airwaves flew
More followers adhered
And sucked in by his point of view
They easily were steered
To voting booths on polling day
Wherein their droves they came
To place a vote the hangman’s way
A cross against his name
A landslide on the news declared
The hangman’s voters roared
Most joyous with how well he’d fared
This leader they adored
And all his foes were made to feel
The lashings of free speech
The unrestricted barbs of steel
That he was wont to preach
And soon the law was even more
In favour of his spite
The settlement of every score
Became a legal right
Hence upon opponents now
The hangman’s henchmen fell
And many who refused to bow
Received a dreadful knell
A knock upon the door at night
A waiting van outside
No legal aid nor human right
Just handcuffs for the ride
A gallows stand for those arraigned
His foes were led unto
And on the hangman’s word they hanged
As mockers cried adieu
But he was never satisfied
More laws were passed with ease
Some mockers soon themselves were tried
Beside their families
Increasing numbers went to trial
Deemed traitors fit to die
The hangman preaching all the while
And many years went by
Till finally his foes had gone
All disappeared or dead
Now old and tired he’s hanging on
Albeit by a thread
And if he gives a grand address
These days he’s rarely heard
His clarity seems less and less
His leadership absurd
Restrictions ever more increased
The plebs have lost their vote
Democracy now long deceased
The rich and powerful gloat
As jealous heirs behind the scenes
Standby impatiently
Descendants all but kings and queens
The hangman’s dynasty

Poxy Monkey Buisness

Poxy Monkey Business



Chimp chimpanzee chimp chimpanzee

Good afternoon

Howler orangutan

Mandrill baboon

Chimp chimpanzee chimp chimpanzee

What will it be

Emperor tamarin 

Spider monkey


Gibbon gelada

Or white-faced saki?



Saturday, 21 May 2022

Drop Zone

Drop zone

Chronic pain in a private place
Overnight mole sallow face
Muscle wastage brittle bone
I’m in the drop zone
To the great unknown
Overtired broken sleep
Tossing turning and I keep
Getting up to take a pee
Often very painfully
In the morning I’m depressed
What’s the point in getting dressed?
All I do is moan and groan
I’m in the drop zone
Leave me alone
Over anxious tired confused
Read the paper watch the news
Chronic pain won’t go away
Worse than it was yesterday
Google searches amplify
The symptoms am I gonna die?
Ring a doctor join a queue
Cursing waiting can’t get through
Then reception finally
Telling me that the GP
Can only talk to me by phone
I’m in the drop zone
Anxiety prone
Hope the biopsy’s okay
Hourly sitting on the throne
Such is life in the drop zone
Where anuses are sore with piles
Walking yards can feel like miles
Chest pains are emergencies
Tumours malignancies
Ever wonder to yourself
Why you rarely give your health
More priority than wealth?
Sickness creeping up with stealth
Thinking of a hospice bed
Will you miss me when I’m dead?
Hopefully there’ll be no need
For ages yet to come and read
The epitaph on my headstone
Borrowed time is nearly blown
What I need’s another loan
I’m in the drop zone
I wanna postpone

Saturday, 14 May 2022



Hopes and dreams
Rarely turn out true
There’s a book in me
And a book in you
But the words in mind
Don’t make the page
So we go to work
In silent rage
Yeah we go to work
In the Cenozoic age
Where mediocrity’s
Centre stage

Friday, 6 May 2022

The Politics Of Envy

The politics of envy

The Bullingdon Boys of Eton
After having eaten
Came across a beggar in the park
To whom a scion shifty
Bared a note of fifty
And burned it down to ashes for a lark
They walked away with laughter
The beggar died soon after
The scion with a wealthy guarantee
Had an Oxford education
And after graduation
Turned Conservative celebrity
The Oxford classics reader
Became a Tory leader
In towns and cities very much in vogue
All youthful antics rotten
Dismissed or long forgotten
The country voted in the charming rogue
And now the population
Is told of high inflation
Warned of punitive austerity
As scions burn their millions
And the ever-poorer minions
Toil for Eton’s sons’ prosperity

Wednesday, 4 May 2022

The Fool's Last Words


The Fool’s Last Words

Unable to pay the bills to keep warm,
A cold old lady sat in a bus seat,
Gazing outside at the wintery storm,
As fellow-passengers gave off free heat.
Sitting nearby, a fool, of middle-age,
Relished the warmth, being broke and cold too;
He perused The Mail, and thought it was sage,
For he was of a Conservative hue.
Indeed, he was using the bus this day,
To go to the polling station, where he
Intended to vote his usual way,
Not knowing he needed photo ID,
Of which he had sadly nothing at all
To show that day at the local church hall.
And so the fool, thus unable to vote,
Sat on the bus home staring at the rain;
He, having just spent his very last note,
Felt frozen, weary and hungry again.
Redundancy pay was fast running out,
Jobseekers allowance; blood from a stone,
And, there being nobody else about,
But the cold old lady, tired and alone,
Who daily travels on the bus for free,
He told her his tale, attributing blame
To snowflake lefties; who else could it be?
He raged till the bus to his rented flat came;
“And I’ll go to bed at noon”, so he said,
And he died there, bitter, cold and unfed.