Saturday, 16 October 2021



As William Shatner prepares to go
Presumably boldly, up into space,
The temperature drops the freezing winds blow
And the down and out get kicked in the face.
As Sir Philip Green sets sail on his yacht,
To somewhere exotic, out on the Med,
Retirement age workers look to the pot,
And find not enough to be warm and fed.
As the Queen gets near her ninety sixth year,
And seventy of those years on the throne,
Destitute people are living in fear
Of drowning in debt and dying alone.
As billionaires purchase tropical isles,
Guarded by gunships and barbed wire fences,
Uneaten fresh food is mounting in piles,
MPs dodge taxes and claim expenses.
As here in the UK the NHS,
For want of more staff, gets worse every day,
The US, it seems, is more of a mess;
No cancer treatment for those who can’t pay.
As I eat dinner, I see on TV,
A woman beaten in Afghanistan,
An asylum seeker, stranded at sea,
An African child with a year life-span.
As people say things could always be worse,
I'm pondering women, children and men,
Comparing my life to those in each verse;
Each line written in syllables of ten….
….Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, ONE!
Bezos’s ship flew; five billion was spent:
A drop in the pond, when all’s said and done;
That paltry sum made not even a dent!
As Amazon workers shat in nappies
And pissed in bottles whilst up against time,
Bezos’s crew of four happy chappies,
Toasted the founder of Amazon Prime.
Or so I imagine; why would they not?
William Shatner seemed happy for sure,
Though it wasn’t space, not by a long shot,
No man of his age has gone there before.



Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Erasing his hand


Erasing his hand


A friend of a friend, on Facebook posted:

“A man who hits women is not a real man;

Share if you agree”, the poster boasted;

It reminded me of when his wife ran

Out through the front door, where I was waiting:

I stood in between them, shielding the blows,

Which ceased, as he stood there hesitating,

Though why he desisted, God only knows;

I being no match for him in a fight;

(We’d had our own battle sometime before),

However, they ceased, and after that night,

She turned him out, I saw him no more,

And now, he's on Facebook, making a stand,

Like a real man, never raising his hand.