Saturday, 4 July 2020

Gone to seed

Gone to seed

Exercise for him, was always a wrench;
For gyms, he never really felt the need;
Neither having pressed nor pushed from a bench;
He rarely walked beyond minimum speed,
But in spite of all that, he looked okay;
Overweight and obese, he’d never been;
Pot-belly and moobs were kept well at bay,
With five-a-day veg and meat very lean.
Then one day he, for some reason acquired
An appetite much larger than before;
The alcohol, meat and sweets he desired,
Became temptations he couldn’t ignore;
In short, he succumbed to middle-age greed,
And it has to be said: he’s gone to seed.



Bellowing Brexit bollocks
Beefy Bold blatantly blue
British biker brigades
Backing baseball bat
Brandishing bouncers
Boozed bottled beverages
Before badly battering  
BLM boys brazenly branded
Balmy Bolsheviks
By Boris bootlickers