Thursday, 25 June 2020

In His Wife's Shoes

In his wife’s shoes

Trump in a pair of stilettos
Canvassed the poorest of ghettos
He danced in the street
To a nationalist beat
And wished he was wearing Repettos  

Second Wave

Second wave

Soaking sun like leeches
Screaming in delight  
Crowding Britain’s beaches
With not a mask in sight
People are defying
Instinctively they bathe
Unknowingly each trying
To catch the second wave

Monday, 22 June 2020

Life's a Test

Life’s a test

Looking down
From the edge
Of despair
A man cries
Life’s a test
Or else
What’s the point
Of all the pain?
People below
One foot dangling
Over their heads
Conducting them
Gazes transfixed
Silence spreads

I’m a performer
Tight rope walking
Between buildings tall
I wonder
How many are hoping
To see me fall?

Silence prevails
Resigned to fate
A deep breath
He gets ready to jump


Frozen unsure
The ground below
The time
Between here
And there
Thoughts arise
What will they be?
Hitting the ground
Will his soul be

Whatever you believe
Or fear
What’s last
Is a testament
That led you here
When time ceases
Are no more
Your last
Is the key
To eternity’s door

In an ambulance
Rescued by
Entering his head
Can you repeat
What you said?
Says a policeman
A seed  sown
The voice
Was none other
Than his own?

Back from the brink
No longer
Seeing differently
Life’s a test

Paths lead to
Sorrow wars
Which one’s yours?

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Epilogue or The Convict's Dream

Epilogue or The Convict’s Dream
A deadly plague of hate and blame
From Asia’s deepest regions came
And when its victory was gained
All but the chosen few remained
Each particle of pestilence
Had self-will and intelligence
And breathed in by humanity
It caused a mass-insanity
Inasmuch as one would to feel
They uniquely had the skill
Of knowledge quite unshakeable
All others being breakable
Each effectively obtained
A gospel truth divinely gained
God’s pronouncements set in stone
Theirs to spread and theirs alone
Cities were to madness driven
Villages and towns were riven
Businesses failed to run
And no one trusted anyone
Neither was a cure found
Nor shared belief nor common ground
The mass infected couldn’t see
In absence of humility
Families drove each other mad
Never-ending fights they had
Locked in permanent confliction
Tied in knots by proud conviction
Ministries abruptly ceased
Members every one a beast
Failing to communicate
Eaten up with mutual hate
Armies mobilised and they
Disintegrated anyway
Comrades turning on each other
Stabbing shooting one another
Food and water being denied
Animals neglected died
And on every farming plot
Crops unpicked were left to rot
All over Earth the virus spread
Till there were very many dead
And no one but the chosen few
Survived to start the world anew
On waking in a conscious stream
Of thought upon the convict’s dream
Inside my head I made a leap
To wide awake from sound asleep
And in the early morning light
I considered wrong and right
What Dostoevsky had to say
Seemed prophetical that day
With favoured views superior
We wade into hysteria
Remonstrate with all the rest
Convince ourselves that we know best
And as I think I comprehend
Yet still I question in the end
Pondering the chosen few
Who would they be if dreams came true?

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

The bunker

The bunker

Hiding in a bunker in forty five,
From anti-fascists, Hitler, running scared
And determined not to be caught alive,
Took a cyanide capsule, pre-prepared,
And tested on his dog some time before.
Eva did the same, consequently died,
And Hitler, presumably to be sure
Of success in committing suicide,
Gave himself a wound with his service gun;
And that, being as fatal as the pill,
Made doubly certain the job was well done;
The ending, perfectly fitting the bill,
Of despot, in a bunker, underground;
Does that sentence have a familiar sound?

What goes around

What goes around

Communists and Nazis
Fought each other’s parties
And the ruckus carried on
All through the night
Till finally both teams
Of political extremes
Joined hands and formed
A line from left to right  

Each end it was observed
Towards the other curved
And when they met
All hands were tightly bound
And with a karaoke
They sang the Okey Cokey
Together in a circle
Spinning round 

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Don't spread hate in the name of Lee

Don’t spread hate in the name of Lee
Don’t spread hate in the name of Lee;
You’re adding to the nations’s pain;
Show some respect for his family.
The murderous beasts will never see
Beyond a prison’s walls again;
Don’t spread hate in the name of Lee.
Against an entire community,
His photograph is used in vain;
Show some respect for his family.
You’re tarnishing his memory;
And more division you’ll attain;
Don’t spread hate in the name of Lee.
His mother recently made a plea;
Your hurtful comments are a bane,
Show some respect for his family.
If all lives matter; as you tell to me,
And if you claim to be humane,
Don’t spread hate in the name of Lee;
Show some respect for his family.