When public cuts are reversed in outrage
And care’s guaranteed for all in old age,
When schools are run by the wise and sage
When prejudiced police are not on the beat,
All weapons have gone and the streets are sound,
When prisoners, freed, no longer repeat,
Reformed, enlightened and peaceably bound.
When women out late are not in danger
And partners or spouses never abuse,
When kids can play safe approach any stranger
And and not be in peril of evil misuse
When drunks no longer get violent with drink
And dealers of drugs no customers find
When all in torment are pulled from the brink,
And via compassion, achieve peace of MIND
When mendicants aren’t bound to be driven
To prisons, addictions, and back to doorways,
When food and shelter is seen as a given
And welfare claims aren’t met with delays,
When heating doesn’t make anyone poor
And legal aid free, is everyone's right
When MPs corrupted are shown the door
And kindness prevails over greed and spite.
When no one is judged by colour or creed
Or gender or sexual orientation,
When parties unite and leaders concede;
An empire doesn’t define a great nation
When healthcare's fully-functioning, fair,
Beyond compare and second to none
Then I’ll stand before you and roundly declare;
You’re right to be British and proud my son.