Tuesday, 18 July 2017

She said

She said

Someone said, “It’s raining”, she said, I love
The rain as it falls from the clouds above.
Another said, “Shut the window, it’s cold,
I feel it much more now I’m getting old”,
To which she responded, with a sweet smile,
Saying, “Please leave it open for a while,
After all, the coldness isn’t that bad
And the breeze on my face makes me feel glad
To breath in fresh air from the world outside;
It’s a gift to me by nature supplied”.
So the window was left and wind and rain
Came into the ward, washed over her pain
And she, joining her soul with timeless space,
Drifted away with contentment and grace.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

A word in your ear

A word in your ear

“A word in your ear” the devil said,
And the president of the easily led,                                                                                         
Reclining then in his ivory tower,
Inclined his head and the devil said, “Power”.
Acknowledging, the president breathed,
Considered the sum of all he’d achieved
And said, “This world of grand design
And everything in it is mine, all mine!”
“Power and riches won’t help you this day”
Said the devil; “Now there’s a price to pay”,
But the hapless president never replied,
He took a last breath, exhaled and died.
And now he stands in line and waits.
With dread and despair he contemplates,
In each hand a book of darkness and light;
The one in his left outweighing the right.
All around, children, women and men
Await their turn (they know not when)
To be judged for deeds committed from birth
Till death when they left the face of the Earth,
And the president of the equally led
Considers the words that the devil said,
And curses his greed, his lustful desire,
His “Power and riches”; fuel for the fire.