Thursday, 19 October 2017


I had a strange turn a couple of years ago whilst on hols and this rambling piece came about as a result. I've written in the style of a famous Shakespeare poem; "The rape of Lucretia" although the content is very much my own and this is much shorter.

As high as a kite
My mind is adrift today, flying high.
I let it glide awhile in the gentle breeze,
As high as a kite, soaring in the sky,
Blissfully, trustfully, controlled with ease;
Fly little fledgling, wherever you please,
Beautiful kite; it’s all under control;
I’ll pull you back safely, child of my soul.
A boy of nineteen
Long ago, I was a boy of nineteen,
And probably immature for my age;
I had not the wisdom to calm my spleen,
Nor lover to still my frustrated rage;
I wore a clown’s mask; spent much of that stage
Of my life, inebriated, or high;
And rarely, if ever, wondering why.
Does that sound familiar? That chestnut
Of teenage angst and unsatisfied lust?
Youthful frustration’s a pain in the gut,
A hard path to tread, but tread it we must
(And some, never making it, turn to dust).
Yes, we’ve all been there, at some point I guess;
Rare’s the teenager, whose head’s not a mess,
But to return from that slight digression:
Picture a night; August 1980;
I had some acid in my possession,
(As did many others, incidentally,
These being the days of pre – ecstasy)
Ying Yang blotters, scored earlier that night,
In a quest for psychedelic insight,
And I, nigh an hour after taking two;
Waiting impatiently to no avail,
Saw another dealer, I barely knew
Entering the pub with, “White tiles” for sale;
He said “These will work for sure without fail”.
I purchased two of those tickets to hell,
On top of a wrap of sulphate as well.
Si and I took a trip in a taxi
To the Essex University where
I bought a blotter immediately.
I’d already had four, and without care,
I took the fifth one just for a dare;
We got in a lift, went straight to the top
Of a tower, with a very long drop;
I peered o’er the edge of a balcony,
Watched the ground, like a giant lift rising
And I had a kind of epiphany;
Stepped over the edge, not realising
My mind was playing tricks and disguising.
The distance between the top and ground floor
Wasn’t two feet but a hundred or more.
Let’s pause for a second (as I did then).
Would be Buddhists, meditate on this:
Was God contrived by superstitious men?
Did Satan tempt Jesus at the abyss?
With a voice, gentle as a mother’s kiss
Saying, “Isn’t it strange the ground so near?
Jump off the edge now, there’s nothing to fear”.
Was that you, my mad mind, talking to me?
If Simon hadn’t stopped me, I’d have jumped
Like a happy child into a warm sea
And my young heart would no longer have pumped,
My immature life, by death would be trumped.
The memory of this cuts like a knife.
I thank you Simon for saving my life.
Sitting in a flat on the highest floor
Surrounded by people I barely know,
Talking nonsense. There’s a knock on the door,
Someone opens it and outward we flow.
The spiral staircase to the ground below
Goes on and on and on and on and on.
When we get to the bottom, my head’s gone.
”Infrared complex”
The memory of this causes me pain,
But to unearth the truth, it’s necessary
To review the line between sane and insane,
And lay it bare so a reader might see
An account of total insanity;
And though it was merely down to a pill,
And so long ago, yet it haunts me still.
I’m sitting in a bar, sipping a beer.
I’m feeling agitated, paranoid
And inferior to everyone here.
I’m an insipid bore, one to avoid,
Open to ridicule, or else destroyed.
My face is a book, a bland one indeed,
Very wide open and easy to read.
A man of superior intellect
Looks at me and says “Infrared complex”,
And those two words have a profound effect
On me. It’s like he knows his phrase reflects
Exactly how I feel and my reflex
Response is to feel humiliation
And lose my bent of communication.
I suddenly find myself in a room
Full of people watching a video.
I sit down with Simon who I assume
Has led me here but I really don’t know
If I can concentrate on a film show.
There’s a “Clicking” sound from behind somewhere,
I turn around but I see nothing there.
I try to watch whatever’s on TV.
“Clickclick, cliclclick, click….”What the fuck is that?
I can hear laughter too, but I can’t see;
It’s way too dark, “What are you laughing at?”
Simon simply gives me a shoulder pat
And says “You’re making it a bad one mate”
And right now, I’m in a pretty bad state.
We’re having a row now, Simon and I.
He’s annoying me as much as that sound.
I get up, chairs, tables and glasses fly.
Somebody screams but I don’t turn around,
I’m heading for the exit, homeward bound.
I have no money for a taxi fare,
So I walk alone, into a nightmare.
Madman on the road
A madman wandered along a dark road
Toward his landmark; a water tower.
He watched it jumping around like a toad,
He bade it “STOP”, (but he had no power).
He bowed and drank piss (it tasted sour),
He looked up, noticed the tower had stopped.
Then looked down again; his trousers had dropped.
Some drivers (teenagers?) mocked him and japed
And others remarked as they passed him by:
“A lunatic from the mad house escaped,
Standing in the road like he wants to die”
And, “There but for the grace of God go I”,
“Another casualty of drugs or drink”,
“I wonder, what must his poor mother think?”
He wandered and wondered “Why am I here,
What is my name and where do I come from”?
He saw the water tower disappear;
In his head, a mantra beat like a drum
And then it exploded into a maelstrom
Of despair, anguish and things meaningless
And he quite forgot his name and address.
That was when he knew that he’d lost his mind.
All his inhibitions had gone away.
To reason, meaning and logic now blind,
His worldview was warped and in disarray.
He’d no concept of time, of night or day,
And if he could talk, he then would have said;
“I hate this feeling, I’d rather be dead”.
So then, a grim choice before him was laid;
Life as a madman, or death as an end;
This considered, his decision was made;
Death’s end was an incomparable friend.
As from buildings afire jumpers descend,
His suicide, born of desperation,
Was an instinctive consideration.
He jumped in front of an oncoming car,
That knocked him down but alas didn’t kill.
He smashed his head back against the hard tar
But unconsciousness evaded him still.
He smashed it again and again until
The driver came over to remonstrate;
“Why did you do that?” He heard him berate.
A crowd had gathered around him amazed
(They’d come from the pub where they’d been drinking)
He looked at them all as they stood and gazed,
Oblivious to what they were thinking;
Bewildered, he asked, wide eyed, unblinking;
“Am I a witch? Are you coming to take
Me off somewhere to be burned at the stake?”
A woman approached him, kindly, concerned;
She asked him his name and where did he live?
Unknowing either, his answer returned,
Asking if she had some water to give,
(His voice cunningly disguised and plaintive).
She gave him a glassful, which he smashed
And into his neck, repeatedly slashed.
An ambulance came and took him away;
As life vividly flashed before his eyes,
He thought of his Grandpa; what would he say?
Only then he began to realise
That Heaven’s a place for someone who dies
By whatever fate deems, but not suicide;
He was Hell bound, where the tortured reside.
To Hell’s gate the ambulance soon arrived:
A demon - policeman disguised - asked his name;
He thought of an answer and then contrived
To fool the demon, and make a false claim;
Staying silent until more demons came;
And being dead, his awareness restored,
They wheeled him to where Hell’s furnaces roared.
“Police brutality”
Demons, disguised as doctors and nurses,
Placed me on a high bed and lay me there;
I uttered unrepeatable curses,
(Being dead, resigned and beyond despair)
I swore and spat and punched and pulled hair
And kicked and smashed a cabinet of glass;
They held me down and injected my arse.
As the needle went into my backside
I screamed at the demon’s effrontery.
And like an apathetic child I cried;
Questioning their methods and cruelty.
One demon shouted “Police brutality!”
Then I was handcuffed, my legs were bound tight,
And I, thus restrained, was drained of all fight.
I lay for a time in Hell’s waiting room
(If time can exist in infinity),
Pondering a Hellish afterlife doom;
A landscape of tortured humanity;
I retraced the path to calamity;
Revised my decisions; gave them deep thought;
Concluded, my life’s summation was nought.
Come down
A policeman held my head in his lap,
As I came, gradually down from the brink;
He freed my restraints, releasing each strap;
Asked me if I wanted something to drink,
And as reality started to sink,
I looked at that kind human being
Scarcely believing what I was seeing.
They drove me back home to my bedsit flat,
Read out the charges and made it quite plain
That I was in trouble, but for all that,
My treatment received, was decent, humane;
One said, “We don’t want to see you again”;
They got in the squad car, and off they sped;
I was fairly copped, it has to be said.
I awoke the next day and felt my neck
And the bandages, placed there by a nurse;
I was a mental and physical wreck,
But still alive, for better or for worse,
And to dwell on that, is to weaken this verse;
The young foolish boy’s long since departed,
And his history can’t be restarted.
My mind is adrift today, flying high.
I let it glide awhile in the gentle breeze,
As high as a kite, soaring in the sky,
Contently drifting and controlled with ease,
Like a loved pet or child, easy to please.
Precious possession child of my soul,
I’ll pull you back while I still have control.
May be an image of 1 person

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

She said

She said

Someone said, “It’s raining”, she said, I love
The rain as it falls from the clouds above.
Another said, “Shut the window, it’s cold,
I feel it much more now I’m getting old”,
To which she responded, with a sweet smile,
Saying, “Please leave it open for a while,
After all, the coldness isn’t that bad
And the breeze on my face makes me feel glad
To breath in fresh air from the world outside;
It’s a gift to me by nature supplied”.
So the window was left and wind and rain
Came into the ward, washed over her pain
And she, joining her soul with timeless space,
Drifted away with contentment and grace.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

A word in your ear

A word in your ear

“A word in your ear” the devil said,
And the president of the easily led,                                                                                         
Reclining then in his ivory tower,
Inclined his head and the devil said, “Power”.
Acknowledging, the president breathed,
Considered the sum of all he’d achieved
And said, “This world of grand design
And everything in it is mine, all mine!”
“Power and riches won’t help you this day”
Said the devil; “Now there’s a price to pay”,
But the hapless president never replied,
He took a last breath, exhaled and died.
And now he stands in line and waits.
With dread and despair he contemplates,
In each hand a book of darkness and light;
The one in his left outweighing the right.
All around, children, women and men
Await their turn (they know not when)
To be judged for deeds committed from birth
Till death when they left the face of the Earth,
And the president of the equally led
Considers the words that the devil said,
And curses his greed, his lustful desire,
His “Power and riches”; fuel for the fire.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017



Being labelled constantly
I peel off the ones adhering to me
Some stick some come off easily
I tug at them persistently
Rip my skin and finally
Naked now and label free
I look in the mirror
What do I see?

I see a lie
It tells me my left is my right eye
I take a selfie and I try
To truthfully identify
The real me
And the real me
Label less as when I die
Shows me I am
What I am

What am I?

Monday, 19 June 2017

One last kiss

One last kiss

Fine evening, end of May
Exhibition at the V&A
Outside table, spicy food
Sultry tranquil ambient mood
Across the table gorgeous wife
Making small talk loving life
Hotel room a tube away
A perfect end to a perfect da-

Wine and dinner evening show
Pay the waiter then they go
Plenty of time before the bell
And to use the loo as well
Among the crowd they walk about
Many have their smart phones out
His map marker points to where
“Look the theatre’s over the--

Young men getting drunk outside
Swilling pints of London Pride
Shouting swearing voices loud
Stag night antics boisterous proud
A father looks on with a frown
“Can you keep the language down?”
Daughter feels embarrassed now
“Dad be quiet you’ll start a ro-

Suspicious character ahead
What was it the mayor said?
“Part and parcel” was his view
And people should be “Vigilante” too
Hurrying anxious looking man   
Funny place to leave a van
Fleeting thoughts by many shared
Each paranoid but not prepa---

Early evening sun still bright
The Thames below reflecting light
A blinding FLASH and suddenly
God I can’t see GOD I CAN’T SEE!
Wide awake confused not dreaming
Tears from dazzled eyes streaming
To my lips I hold your hand
One last kiss before we land

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Two Great Uncles

Two great uncles

Two great uncles who I never knew
Got killed whilst serving in world war two
One died somewhere in Italy
And the other in a ship was lost at sea

My Grandad (their elder brother) was told
When he volunteered that he was too old
So he signed up for the Home guard instead
And at night as bombers flew overhead
He lay and waited for morning to come
With his wife (my Nan) and daughter (my Mum)
In the daytime he worked in Stratford and Bow
Delivering coal and he got to know
A man with connections and in a back street
He paid a bit extra for black market meat
Then he went home to his daughter and wife
And that’s how he spent the war years of his life

Now I wonder what he must have felt.
How did he deal with the hand he was dealt?
Striving to keep his family fed
All the while knowing his brothers were dead

If not for my Mum I’d never have known
Of those two Great uncles whose lives were blown
Away with other young men in their prime
Who fought for our lives in that terrible time

Long after the war my Grandad died
I remember him being a man of pride
A salt of the earth whose daughter wife
And grandchildren seemed the joy of his life

He lived with my Nan in a two up two down
On a council estate in Dagenham Town
The same house he’d lived in during the war
And where mum was born a few years before

About the young brothers he said not a word
Like I said it was only through mum that I heard
What’s related above is a story she told
Forgetting their names now she’s grown old

So here’s my tribute for what it’s worth
To a man whose past gave rise to my birth
A nod of remembrance to what he went through
And the two Great uncles who I never knew

Friday, 9 June 2017

Facebook Rage

Facebook Rage

I typed an opinion of discontent
And you sent back immediately
An emoji showing your dissent
A statement begging to disagree
I countered with an abrupt remark
(A clever one I thought it was)
That evidently hit the mark
(Your curt reply was very cross)
And so we had an angry row
Like stags with antlers on display
Or boars fighting over a sow
Battling for the final say
There was no surrendering
We fought each other and in the end
I deleted everything
And you removed me as a friend

Now it’s damaged beyond repair
No going back for you and me
Unfriending now seems pretty fair
(Although I took it personally)
Wine and online's a toxic mix
It’s fatal when you’ve had a few
To be broadcasting politics
A keyboard warrior’s point of view
We could’ve used the phone that night
And spoke in private for a while 
Instead we had a public fight
Like rival guests on Jeremy Kyle
Hence aggressive stubborn and proud
The two of us there on the stage
Gave before the watching crowd
A demonstration of Facebook rage

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Spring 1989

Spring 1989

We sat at a table
In The Hard Rock Café
The Stone Rose’s debut
Was the latest thing
Their songs were relayed
And we had a sing
Ate chicken and chips
And looking around
Everyone there

Was tuned into their sound

I’m looking back that now
On that escapade
Surrounded by baggies
Casually displayed
As Madchester’s finest
On the turntable played
And the optimism
On everyone’s face
Made the world seem
A safer and happier place

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

The fallen tree

6th June 2017 (6 pm) The fallen tree

This evening, whilst out walking the dog,
I saw some poppies in a field;
I looked at them and thought for a while
Of a long ago war and millions killed.

Further on, at the edge of the wood,
I came across a fallen tree;
I pondered the random power of storms
And then another thought came to me…….

On this day in June; 1944
Men ran forth into hostile fire;
On a Normandy beach
Some breathed their last
Amidst bullets, shells,
And barbed wire.

I stood by the tree, and reflected
On soldiers deaths untimely met.
Sometimes, in the simplest of ways,

Nature reminds us, lest we forget.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017



A well meaning poem
Read out loud
Recited with feeling
To the gathered crowd
May bring comfort
For a short while
And conjure up the image
Of your smile
But after all
It’s just words
And it goes nowhere
Rising like vapour
Dispersed in thin air
Like a statement a minister’s
Bound to prepare
Like a mother’s cry met
With a tearful stare

Indeed, like this piece
I’ve written for you
(Though I tried my hardest
To make it true)
It won’t stop the flow
Of endless tears shed
Nor alter the path
Of the easily led

If I could gather up the bad
Make it all good
Then hand it back
(Like a caring God should)
Drag you away
From where the beast stood
And bring you home safe
Believe me
I would

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Champagne Socialists

Champagne Socialists

A Champagne cork flies across the room,
Hits a picture of Tony Benn;
Flutes overflowing with Dom Perignon
Are raised by ladies and gentlemen.

“Let’s drink a toast to good old Tone”
Is met by a joyous retort, “Hear, hear!”
Glasses charged, discussion begins;
Part two of “The road to Wigan Pier”.

“’Sandal wearing fruit juice drinkers’
Why did he say that? please explain;
The account of the mines was grand indeed,
But part two I shan’t be reading again.

Far too subjective and scathing for me,
And I heard he was of bourgeois employ;
When all’s said and done, he’s a hypocrite too;
After all, wasn’t he an old Eton boy?”

Another stands up and raises his glass
Of fruit juice, (for Champagne is not his thing);
In the background an anthem; “The red flag” plays;
He nods in approval and starts to sing.

Singing and tapping his sandal clad feet,
He pauses, and once more raises his glass;
“Ladies and gents, I propose a toast
To the party’s success and the working class”

“I’ll drink to that” another pipes in
But the bottle is empty, the Champagne’s gone
A vote is taken, agreement is reached;
“Pop another magnum of Dom Perignon” ….

Friday, 12 May 2017

Carry on voting Tory (a song)

Carry on Voting Tory
If you want to see the back of the N.H.S
Carry on voting Tory
If you want it to be funded less and less
Carry on voting Tory
If you don’t give a fuck about mental health
If your prime concern is a billionaire’s wealth
If you want to see nurses get less pay
Than someone selling fries in a takeaway
If you trust Truss more than the BMA
Carry on voting Tory
If you want to see less police on the beat
Carry on voting Tory
If you want more burglaries in your street
Carry on voting Tory
If you want drug dealers in the park
If you don’t want to venture out after dark
If you want more knives and violence in town
If you want your kids mugged by a drunken clown
If you want to see your local nick close down
Carry on voting Tory
If you want to cut schooling for the poor
Carry on voting Tory
If you want to see classes of forty or more
Carry on voting Tory
If you want to see pupils in grammar schools
Looking down on other kids as secondary fools
If you want to see those of a very young age
Getting judged and rejected at primary stage
If that concept doesn’t rattle your cage
Carry on voting Tory
If you want workers’ rights to be null and void
Carry on voting Tory
If you think all unions should be destroyed
Carry on voting Tory
If you’re happy for people to be enslaved
As the boss gets greedier and more depraved
If you want to go to work and still be poor
If you want to use food banks more and more
Cos you can’t afford to shop at the grocery store
Carry on voting Tory
If you want to see foxes hunted again
Carry on voting Tory
If you want to hear them scream in pain
Carry on voting Tory
If you want village residents to be defied
If you want to see fracking in the countryside
If you want green activists locked away
And climate-change scientists to have no say
If you’d rather hear Jacob Rees-Mogg all day
Carry on voting Tory

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Theresa the parrot

Theresa the parrot

Theresa the parrot stood on the table
“Strong and stable, strong and stable”
In leather jeans of designer label
“Strong and stable, strong and stable”
She said to Tusk at a Brexit babel
 “Strong and stable, strong and stable”
And to Merkel, as loud as she was able
“Strong and stable, strong and stable”
To the British public she cried the fable
“Strong and stable, strong and stable”
Like Scarlet screaming to Clark Gable
“Strong and stable, strong and stable”
Like an old crow sitting on a telephone cable
“Strong and stable, strong and stable”
Like a needle stuck on a turntable
“Strong and stable, strong and stable
Strong and stable
Strong and stable
Strong and stable
Strong and stable
Strong and stable
Strong and stab
Strong and sta
Strong and st
Strong and s
Strong and
Strong an
Change the record
For fucks sake!

Thursday, 27 April 2017



“Mugwump”! What the fuck is that?
You horrible fucking Tory twat
If I was cheap, I’d call you “Fat”
You horrible fucking Tory twat
Stop acting like a spoilt brat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
Stop grinning like a Cheshire cat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
Your Winston biography is shat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
You patronise and shoulder pat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
But the rich elite is where you’re at
You horrible fucking Tory twat
In Dicken’s times, in a big top hat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
You’d treat the poor like a doormat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
If the ship went down you’d be a rat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
In a “Reserved” life boat you’d be sat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
Sucking up to Royals like a vampire bat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
Like an egotistical pregnant gnat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
I’d love to see Corbyn squash you flat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
In an unbiased B.B.C. T.V. chat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
You act like you’re a diplomat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
But the rest of the world thinks you’re a prat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
A cross between a slug and an acrobat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
They can see right through your tabloid tat
You horrible fucking Tory twat
And the sum of your political tract?
You horrible fucking Tory twat
“Mugwump”! What the fuck is that?
You horrible fucking Tory twat

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Villanelle pour L'électeur conservateur

Villanelle pour L'électeur conservateur

Why are you voting for the Tories again?
Why would you suffer another five years?
Has The Daily Fail been washing your brain?

What are your reasons? Please explain;
As your old age pension disappears;
Why are you voting for the Tories again?

Are you indifferent to suffering, pain,
Poverty, despair, and workplace fears?
Has the Daily Fail been washing your brain?

As services crumble under the strain,
Of tax-breaks given to billionaire peers,
Why are you voting for the Tories again?

Can you not see that cuts will remain?
Why would you sharpen the chancellor’s sheers?
Has the Daily Fail been washing your brain?

As state education goes down the drain,
And to private health the NHS veers;
Why are you voting for the Tories again?
Has The Daily Fail been washing your brain?

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Gonzalo's dream

Gonzalo’s dream

There in a shop doorway he lies
Awake and begs of passers by
Some drop a coin but most deny
Each carries on their separate ways

As for myself, I must confess
I rarely if ever leave a coin
But rather with his thoughts I join
(Though what they are I only guess)

I put myself in his place there
And ponder how I came to be
A victim some may think of me
A consequence of life not fair?

But what’s inside is mine alone
Dropped coins I gladly will accept
I tolerate the cold and wet
And shelter of which I have none

Refusing to run the race of life
I gave up all material things
I was a puppet, but cut the strings
Lost my job, my house, my wife

And now the fortune I redeem
Is freedom from society’s woe
And when I sleep  each night I know
The beauty of Gonzalo’s dream

Monday, 27 March 2017

Onward Western Soldiers

Onward Western Soldiers


Onward Western Soldiers

Marched across the sand

Of the desert now a graveyard

To a bombed and broken land

There wasn’t much to see

No hospital no store

No stadium no playground

No window roof or door


Under obligation

They stayed there for a while

Scared angry citizens

They questioned put on trial

Some deemed insurgents

In prison cells confined

Festered in their hatred

For those of western kind


The westerners withdrew

On government advice

A weak administration

Was left to its device

The prison population

No longer now detained

Came flocking to the caliph

Who prophesised and reined


Gathering they listened

In numbers ever more

To Proclamations spoken

Liberation holy war

Weaponry was purchased

Ruthlessly deployed

Slavery rape torture

Justified enjoyed  


They staked a destination

Declared a caliphate

Cities towns and villages

All now Islamic State

Ruled by ancient laws

From the seventh century

Executions filmed

For westerners to see


Human beings in terror

Of those barbaric laws

Sold their homes for passage

To safer western shores

Wherefrom being called on

By those who preach warfare

Jihadists crossed the border

To train with ISIS there


Some of them returned

As refugees disguised

Innocent and guilty

Hence equally despised

Atrocities committed

In western cities now

Paranoia mounting

With every passing hour


Unanimously voted

Another war’s declared

Guns are locked and loaded

Troops are well prepared

Satellites are spying

Ships are eastward bound

Guided drones are flying

Boots are on the ground


Onward western soldiers

March across the sand

Of the desert still a graveyard

To a bombed and broken land

Nothing left but ruins

The same as once before

No orphanage no hospital

No ceiling wall or floor


Here’s an obligation

Supposedly fulfilled

Cities smashed to rubble

The caliph captured killed

Conquerors retreating

From suffering and pain

A holy man emerging

As the cycle starts again