Cheers to Jonna for the second line. But mostly cheers to the guy who tried to force his Brexit opinions on me earlier today, thus turning my pen into a machine gun: fuck the sword.
UKIP logic part one:
When was Britain great?
Are you British are you
Is it in your D.N.A?
To sing “God save our
gracious Queen”
And celebrate Saint
George’s day?
“What’s wrong with that?”
I hear you ask
But please don’t take it
I’ve got some questions
of my own
And I was hoping you’d
tell me
When was the last time
Britain was great?
Was it back in eighty
When Thatcher took the
miners on
And with their faces
wiped the floor
And later sold our
Even the water that we
Our rail and our
Everything but the
kitchen sink?
When did Britannia rule
the waves?
Was it in the seventies?
When Amin sent bananas in jest
To a land financially on
its knees
The Pistols sang “God
save the queen
No future no future no
future for you”
And Jimmy Saville got
away with rape
(Apparently Margaret
Thatcher knew)
The nineteen sixties had great
The Beatles, The Kinks,
The Stones, The Who
John Lennon sang “All you
need is love”
And for a while it seemed
That at least was true
Would you rather remember
rivers of blood?
Do you think Enoch had
prophetic sight?
Have you read the speech
In great detail?
Do you tell it to your
kids in bed at night?
Maybe Britain was great
in world war two
The bulldog spirit can’t
be denied
But didn’t Russia also
play a part?
And what about the help
Roosevelt supplied?
And did the British
people in Forty five
Really think it was
Churchill who won the war?
If he was the greatest
ever PM
What the fuck did he get
voted out for?
Were things any better
before that time
With poverty and debt
never far away
Was the general strike of
twenty six
A homage to the fairness
of the British way?
I remember a story my nan
used to tell:
Four older brother’s,
lives barely begun
Diphtheria was rife, and
whilst they slept
It paid them a visit, and
killed each one
Was Britain great in the
first world war
When countless youngsters
lost their lives
Their sacrifices formalised
letters sent to mothers
and wives
And was it right and was
it just
For fifteen year old boys
to be
Put to death by firing
For running away from the
Was Britain great when the Titanic sank?
And the poor, being not much
more than slaves
Watched as the lifeboats rowed away
As they froze to death in their icy graves
Throughout British
history it seems to me
That greatness was something
enjoyed by few
For everyone else life was
dark and grim
Is that where you want to
go back to?
Are you British are you
Is it in your D.N.A?
To sing “God save our gracious
And celebrate Saint
George’s day?
Is this, your land of
hope and glory
A shining example to
human kind?
You say you want to make
it great again
But it never really was
Except for in your mind