There are just too many cliches to ignore at the moment. And they're all legit targets.
Since the twins came down
ISIS the Taliban Boko
Haram Al Qaeda
Jihad Mujahedin Holy
Quran Mosque Sharia
Intolerance to burkas in western town
Everything’s changed
since the twins came down
The rise of the nationalist the right wing
agenda the media
The misinformation
hypocrisy Islamophobia
The propagated hatred of
the racist clown
Everything’s changed
since the twins came down
Iraq Afghanistan
Guantanamo Bay Rendition
Hostages exchanged the
war machine supplies ammunition
Hospitals schools
villages burnt to the ground
Everything’s changed
since the twins came down
Jihadi John Islamic State
cutting off heads in Syria
Murderous regime school
girls kidnapped in Nigeria
Scared asylum seekers and
refugees drown
Everything’s changed
since the twins came down
Depiction of the prophet,
psychopath AK Forty Seven
White supremacists
preparing for the next Nine Eleven
Marine Le Pen will one
day be wearing a crown
Everything’s changed
since the twins came down
Palestinians slaughtered
yet no western condemnation
Leaders cross the line between free speech and provocation
The sacred and forbidden
is no longer bound
Everything’s changed
since the twins came down
Fat cat weapons dealers
wealthy royals generous donations
Revenge for dead children
hatred passed to future generations
A peaceable solution will
not be found
Everything’s changed
since the twins came down
Elected politicians make
treaties with misogynist’s and sadists
Profits run to trillions more
riches for elitist corporatists
The Euro the Riyal
the Dollar the Pound
Everything’s changed
since the twins came down.
ISIS the Taliban Boko
Haram Al Qaeda
Assad the CIA Mossad SAVAK Abu Rida
Perpetual terror going round and round
Everything’s changed
since the twins came down