This random memory took me quite by surprise whilst in the middle of a totally unrelated task at work (I'm a printing assistant) and stayed with me during my drive home along with the words "I saw a strange old lady" which are the opening lines of the subsequent poem below:
Grandma’s ghost
I once saw a lady
In an armchair by my bed
Gazing down upon me
While I was off my head
A spectre born of acid
Hair devoid of pigment
Visage old and placid
A psychedelic figment
Of my imagination
And yet her vacant smile
Aroused a chill sensation
That froze me for a while
I pulled up the bedsheets
Hid beneath them scared
Till after many heartbeats
And still not quite prepared
I dared to have a peep
Discerned an empty chair
Fell gradually asleep
Relieved she wasn’t there
Slept off the disarray
Dreamed about her not
Awoke well past midday
And very soon forgot
Another five years flew
My friend a psychic said
He was listening to
A relative long dead
“I’ve got your grandma here
And she wants you to know
She’s always very near
Nigh everywhere you go”
He ran a list of things
Dates events names places
Relations gatherings
Long forgotten faces
Of past generations
And anecdotes he told
Of Christmas celebrations
Within the family fold
And I initially
Was quietly sceptical
It didn’t seem to be
Remotely true at all
Or so I thought before
My poetry he mentioned
How grandma liked it more
With rhyming words intentioned
I time travelled mentally
Remembering her there
Staring at me intently
From my old bedside chair
A very strange old dear
From five years back in time
Was she now standing here
Suggesting write in rhyme”?
I couldn’t and can’t decide
If the elderly entity
Had been identified
Was this ancient anomaly
Sedentary by the bed
Fair giving me a fright
A guardian ghost instead
Of what I perceived that night
To be a hallucination
Induced by LSD?
The physics’ revelation
Seemed apt poetically
Since rhyming is my thing
Therefore this one’s in view
Of Doris Margaret King
And the ghost of who knows who